I've said it once, I will say it again- tights are not pants.
This abomination was once designed with the destiny to warm women's legs so they can still wear reasonably length dresses and skirts well into winter, however fate took a turn for the worst when bad dressers everywhere replaced actual pants with tights and failed to incorporate another item of clothing over top.
It hasn't stopped there.
Young girls and women everywhere choose to incorporate crop tops with their see-through leggings, in order to really accentuate their camel toe. And plus since tights are usually worn in winter, what better way to keep warm then to wear half a shirt. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a post against crop tops- they are a great invention but if you're not going to meet it half way and wear something either high waisted or relatively long (not tights) then you might as well slip on some thigh-high boots and call yourself a streetwalker (only wearing a quarter of the recommended amount of clothing isn't high-fashion, its just over-sized underwear).
Nothing quite like camel toe in the morning.
As for tights with rips up the sides- Just No.
They found a way to make tights worse- R.I.P to Rips.
I have worked at a shopping center for three years, and every time I have worked for the extended trading hours on a Thursday (often called 'Late Night,' to make the fourteen-year-old's feel cool for staying out until 9pm), and out of the thousands of girls wearing these broken leggings, I have never seen someone look good in them- usually I just assume they tried to fit into Size XXS at Supre, but just called it a day when their legs didn't fit and ripped the seams.
Let me be fully honest- I think girls - all shapes, sizes and appearances- are beautiful (My sexuality has been questioned by Katy Perry a few times now). But the fact that we live in 2014 and we are still to scared to fit beyond a size 8 is absolutely ridiculous.
Some people are naturally skinny and happen to fit size 6 and size 8. That doesn't mean that women who are size 10 and 12 aren't just as attractive, and it certainly doesn't mean women 14, 16, 18 and + aren't incredibly beautiful either.
There are pros and cons of every size, but not one of them is better than the rest
We all strive to fit in clothing all because the number on the tag looks more appealing- believe it or not, even a slim size 6 girl won't look good in every outfit she tries on.
It can feel depressing when all of your friends around you are short and skinny, whilst you not only have curves, but also reach nearly six feet in height; but they way you look does not define who you are or how you should be.
But no matter how thin you are, or thick, or tall or short- tights are never the answer. By working together we can end the tights-as-pants crisis, along with global warming.
Remember, just because it zips doesn't always mean it fits.
I'm just going to leave this here