Friday 30 May 2014

Reflection Post on Semester in JN1001

My experience in JN1001 has felt short, mainly because I arrive at class 20 minutes late every week and can't attend tutorials. No offense, but 8:00 am is not an appropriate time for class or being productive.

8:00 am is not a place, its an emotion

The class has been pretty entertaining, mainly because too many people take themselves way to seriously to be studying Journalism (low prospective incomes get me excited too), but the fundamentals interested me.

Unfortunately I think news relies way too much on the Internet. As much as I love the Internet and take way too much pleasure in it, but the focus on photojournalism and multi-media dimensions is causing Journalism to lose touch with its original purpose.

You may find yourself questioning some of my views in these blogs, and some might consider me to be narcissistic, rude and quite generally a bitch. If you have these negative views about me, please click here!

I've decided to end this with a natural photo of myself, straight out of bed in the morning

Good Bye JN1001, sorry for all the crude remarks and swearing

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